A guide to CfW for parents and carers
This is where parents and carers will be able to find all the information that they need in terms of Curriculum for Wales (CfW). Below is a short Youtube video that clearly explains Curriculum for Wales and the changes that are taking place. Welsh Government have created this short animation on the new curriculum. The principles are at the heart of our work, and I would really like you as parents and carers to have an insight into what learning experiences your child can expect through the curriculum.
Please see the guide below that has been created for parents and carers explaining the changes to education that will be happening from September 2022.
a guide for parents and carers.pdf
Below is a link to the Education Achievement Services (EAS) micro site for Curriculum for Wales, support for parents and carers. Here you will find a whole host of information with regards to the changes in education in Wales.